What Coffee Means To Me – No. 2

The second installment in our reader-generated What Coffee Means To Me blog series ...

By: Eli from New York, New York

When you think of french press, most people will think of the glass with the beautiful metal frame and a plunger. We kept our french press on top of the refrigerator. We lived in New York City, in a small apartment with an even smaller kitchen. It was really a closet. Perhaps the top of the refrigerator was not the best place to keep the french press but we didn’t have a lot of options. We ended up breaking two in a month. We tried to find replacement glass and found it to be more expensive than buying a new one. 

We found the perfect one. A fully stainless steel french press. Oddly enough, now that we have a stainless steel one, we’ve never dropped it. We’ve had this french press for over 10 years. Depending on the season and the latest obsession, this little metal french press gets shelved from time to time. We now have a Brikka Moka Pot, an AeroPress, and a La Pavoni fully-manual espresso machine. The french press taught us to enjoy coffee and appreciate the difference between beans from varying regions and roasting style. It’s also become a memento of our shared love of coffee, our first apartment and the unexpected challenges of living in a tiny apartment.

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