Values-based roasters
are creating the
future of coffee

Discover roasters leading in sustainable, innovative, and equitable practices

What threats is coffee facing?

50% of coffee-growing lands globally are at risk of disappearing by 2050 due to a combination of factors


Deforestation and land-use conversions are putting pressure on the total available land suitable for growing coffee - land that is already being impacted by a changing climate

Climate Change

Increasingly extreme weather events and rising temperatures are expected to destabilize coffee yields, particularly for Arabica, the dominant species of coffee globally

Unequal Value Distribution

In the buyer-driven coffee market, each step in the supply chain takes a cut of revenue before the farmers finally get their small share, leading some farmers to exit the market altogether

What are roasters doing about it?

Roasters are the tip of the spear in influencing and implementing forward-thinking practices that will help protect the future of coffee

Sustainable practices

A roaster can make sustainable improvements in many ways, particularly around sourcing raw coffee, packaging materials, carbon emissions, and origin traceability


Promoting new agricultural methods, trade models, and roasting technologies is critical to strengthening the resilience of coffee


Strong relationships with farmers and paying fair prices for raw coffee improve the livelihoods of coffee farmers

Find roasters making the biggest impact

We evaluate US-based roasters using a proprietary set of 40 variables related to sustainability, innovation, and equity
Through our data dashboard, see which roasters align with YOUR values


Donations, support of conservation organizations, and corporate-level certifications


Traceability of single origin coffees and visibility into sourcing costs and markups

roaster features

Roasting equipment and add-ons specifically designed for reducing emissions

packaging features

Packaging materials and systems that reduce waste

coffee features

Environmental or agricultural certifications of the coffee

trade features

Established or novel trade models that are examples of equity and provide a fair price to farmers


Projected global consumer spend annually on specialty coffee by 2030


Individuals dependent upon the global coffee market for their livelihoods


Total square miles around the world dedicated to growing coffee – approximately the size of Kentucky

What does innovation in coffee look like?

Pushing traditional boundaries on origin selection, taste profiles, processing methods, trade models, and roasting technology are all ways roasters can exhibit their innovation


Specialty roasters represent the top-tier of coffee quality and are an influential voice in the supply chain.  Their decisions around sourcing and trade can have a significant positive impact on the industry as a whole. Roasters are also one of the most visible parts of the coffee market and their value proposition to consumers should be visible as well.

Coffee means something different to everyone – but the one constant is that deforestation, climate change, and unequal economics are major threats to coffee’s future. With no intervention, adaptations, or meaningful resilience strategies, coffee as we know it will disappear in the coming decades. 

Our set of criteria is the result of extensive research into certifications, practices, pledges, and partnerships that positively reflect a roaster’s commitment to sustainability, innovation and equity in specialty coffee.

No. We do not weight or endorse one attribute over another.  Our criteria are expressed as yes/no toggles (a roaster possesses the attribute or it doesn’t) or percentages (what percentage of a roaster’s single origins possesses an attribute).

In general, any specialty roaster who 1) roasts in-house under their own brand and 2) sells that roasted whole-bean coffee nation-wide through an online shop. However, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to exclude or remove any roaster for any reason.

No. Our roaster profiles are generated from publicly available information and are intended to help consumers decide where to buy their coffee from. If any information we have on your profile is incorrect or incomplete, we will gladly update it upon verification.